Artisan ice cream has some exclusive characteristics: it is natural, genuine, and highly creative. In a word, it is ... unique, just like Medac! And the company has always been at the fore of supporting the supply chain of this product.
Therefore, Medac could not fail to join, as a sponsor, the “Unico Mai Uguale” advertising campaign, which will animate the Italian and German ice cream parlors throughout the season.
With its incisive message accompanied by a striking image, the claim aims to communicate to the end customer that artisanal ice cream is truly exclusive. It is in fact the result of the skill of those who know how to produce it with methods drawn from tradition and also know how to customize it to make it inimitable.
The communication campaign has been created by PuntoIT magazine and will be the focus of intense social activity throughout the summer. It will also be featured in national newspapers such as Libero, La Repubblica, and Il Tempo. And in the last two weeks of July, it will also go on TV, with 15 "commercials broadcast by some Mediaset channels: TgCom 24, Iris, Cine 34, Extra, and Top Crime.
In support of the campaign, the following merchandising material is foreseen poster, window sticker, t-shirt, and cap.